The Pacific Northwest

Fostering Global Leadership in Mass Timber

Our Goals

Support global competitiveness of our region’s mass timber sector.
Lower the carbon footprint of construction.
Provide high-skill high wage jobs across forestry, manufacturing, and construction.
Increase housing production and affordability.

Our Plans

Increase wood fiber supply and transparency
Expand provision of small-diameter fiber from more national forests while
supporting tribal partners and increasing supply chain transparency.
Improve forestry efficiency, training, and safety
Build an open-source digital infrastructure platform to modernize forest business
Improve training options and promote careers to a new generation of
diverse workers
Expand workforce training programs to attract, develop, and retain a skilled
forestry workforce.
Streamline access to innovation support services
Establish an innovation de-risking fund.
Connect firms with investors and capital
Host industry members for demonstrations, meetings, and events while offering
access to entrepreneurial development and technical assistance.
Streamline pathways to new product certification
Address industry barriers to product certification to create efficiency.
Support expansion of prefabricated housing
Document lessons learned through prototyping, testing, and implementing on-the-ground housing pilots to support the use of prefabricated housing.
Generate robust data to build investor confidence
Organize open-source technical data on advanced materials, annual market
scans, and financial performance data.
Align with state and federal policies and philanthropy
Address regional industry barriers to align with state and federal narratives.
Create a nexus for communication and collective action
Serving as a conduit to convening and connecting firms from across the region.
Our Commitment to Equity
The consortium is dedicated to encouraging and invigorating a diverse supply chain by sourcing from, hiring, and coordinating with traditionally underrepresented groups and the Pacific Northwest’s Tribal communities.


What is the Tech Hubs Program?
What does it mean to be an EDA-Designated Tech Hub?
What is mass timber?
How sustainable is mass timber?
Who participates in the Pacific Northwest Mass Timber Tech Hub?